We understand that plans can change, and you may need to cancel your order. Here’s our cancellation policy to ensure a smooth experience:
Order Cancellation:
- You can cancel your order within 4 hours of placing it, free of charge. To cancel, please contact us at 9770888888, ONLY DURING WORKING HOURS, or live chat (if available).
- Due to our fast processing times, orders cannot be canceled after 4 hours.
- Orders that have already shipped cannot be canceled.
- Customized or personalized items may not be eligible for cancellation.
If Your Order Has Shipped:
- You can still return the unopened and unused items following our return policy (link to return policy if applicable).
- Once your cancellation request is confirmed, a full refund will be issued to the original payment method within 10 business days.
We recommend:
- Review your order details carefully before submitting it.
- Contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel your order.
Thank you for your understanding!